“ Four nature reserves, one National Park ”
Nieuw Land National Park is a park under development and was only given the status of National Park in 2018. It is an initiative of the province of Flevoland, together with Staatbosbeheer, Natuurmonumenten, Stichting Het Flevo-Landschap, Gemeente Almere, Gemeente Lelystad, Rijkswaterstaat and Waterschap Zuiderzeeland.
8 PARTNERS - Inside Flevoland
Work plan
The Nieuw Land NP work plan 2021 is a new step in the realisation of the joint ambition from the development vision. It describes the activities of the partners in the partnership of Nieuw Land NP in 2021 and builds on the first work plan from 2020. The steering group agreed in the intention agreement arranged last year to arrive at a collaboration agreement in the work plan in 2021. The topics organisation, governance and financing form part of the collaboration agreement.
The next step is preparing a draft collaboration agreement.